Salon Retail With Matthew Lutos
A realistic way of looking at it is that for every customer who is tightening the purse strings by prolonging their visitor to the salon, there are many clients who are exceptionally open to buying products and whose average spend can easily be topped up. Even if every loyal customer ups their spend by adding one retail product to their bill, the figures will be in a much healthier state.
Capturing this market is key and Matthew Lutos, Managing Director of Vision Salons, has helped many salons improve their retails sales, even when the economy is looking decidedly dodgy.
Matthew’s background, includes his company Vision Salons which specialises in designing salon retail environments for premium hair and beauty brands.
“Retail, if done properly, should give a salon in excess of 15% of turnover. In some cases a lot more. If you are getting any less than this then something is missing in your retail set up. The key is being as smart about how you present your products similar to the retailers in somewhere like Selfridges”, say Matthew.
“When you are thinking about salon retail, think like the premium retailers but remember that you and your team have a crucial selling edge over them, and that is your expertise. Extra revenue is out there to be made but it is vital that salon owners create the right retail environment if they want to take full advantage of this opportunity, “adds Matthew.
Look like you’re actively ‘selling’
So many salons have retail displays that look like they could just be there for the stylists to use. Think about the positioning of your retail area in relation to the waiting area. The products and messages should be talking to those clients.
Get in touch with Matthew Lutos for expert advice on salon design.