About Us & Salon Designs

Vision Salons is a specialist Hair & Beauty Salon Design Company. Over the years the company has designed and built beautiful Salons across the UK. We have served the hair & beauty industry for many many years delivering throughout the UK.

CLICK HERE to read more about our expertise in our 4 speciality areas of Salon Design, Salon Furniture, Bespoke Furniture & Salon Fit-Outs.

Our designs range from the famous Ken Picton Hair & Beauty Salon in Cardiff (over 6,000 sq feet), right through to small boutique salons which are only 800sq feet.

We also specialize in creating retail environments to make sure that our clients make the most of retail sales. Its now the fastest growing area in the hair & beauty industries.

Our services also include bespoke salon design and salon furniture, salon refit and 3d designs. We promise to provide quality finishing and professional services to customers – come and visit or we will come to you.

Call us for more information on salon innovation and retail sales.