The future of Technology – Salon Design
There’s no doubt about it, technology is moving incredibly fast. Most five year olds are able to use an iPad with ease, and laptops, smart phones, dongles and apps have become an essential part of everyday life. It’s changing the way you live and it’s set to change the way you work.
Technology has erupted in the last 20 years and for many industries, it’s changed the way they function, but when it comes to salon life, technology has not had a particularly major effect… yet.
There’s no doubt the technology ploughed into hair colour and product development has ensured the products you use everyday perform to the max, and of course there are now computer systems that have transformed the way salons run their columns, but with regards to retailing, what’s changed?
“When you look at salon windows 50 years ago compared to how they are now, there are fundamentally very little differences,” says Matthew Lutos, Managing Director of Vision Salons
As a man who has spent a career learning the intricacies of retail, Matthew says it’s about to change, and the way in which salons use their windows to promote their business and increase their turnover, will evolve significantly in the next few years.
“Windows are critical in terms of talking to consumers-it’s the first communication opportunity a salon has. Frequently salons miss this and don’t maximize the potential of their high street location or the passing trade that’s right on their doorstep … literally,” says Matthew.
You only have to look at retailing giants on the high street to see how heavily they rely on their shop window to entice the public to spend with them. But what is the future of retailing and how will technology intervene? According to Matthew, the digital revolution will take shops by storm and the future of retailing could be nearer than we think.
“There are stores in Times Square in New York and some Abercrombie & Fitch stores here in the UK that are already moving towards this digital window function. They basically have giant screens that fill the windows which are used to show their marketing messages, create their corporate identity and promote their business,” he says.
“Technology will allow salons to use thin screens that fill the window to show their finest photographic work, display their latest offers, promote retail items and basically be a constant advert for their business in an extremely sophisticated way.”
However, it’s unlikely the technological developments will stop there. Think interactive screens which allow your customers to touch from the outside and control what they’re viewing, so for example when a salon’s retail products appear on the screen it will be possible to touch on the product and open information about the features and benefits of the product, or flick through the trends to the looks that suit them. Being on the outside, these interactive screens will carry on working for your salon when you’re closed, meaning all you have to worry about is enjoying your time off. It’s clever stuff and would make your salon window work for you like it never has before.
Need assistance in salon refurbishment? Visit Vision Salons website today.